About us

The analysis and geotechnical recommendations are the most important part of the job

Geotechnical Engineering not just limited to ground investigation. The most important part is interpreting the investigations. From the interpretation the recommendations will be extracted

• This happens in other sciences as well, for example in medicine
• The main task of the technical staff at U&A is to interpret the information and to analyze it.

Externalizing most of the ground investigations and laboratory works allows the technical staff to focus and specialize in Geotechnical Engineering




So, what happens then with ground investigation and laboratory tests?

They are also necessary but their usefulness depends on the suitability of the test and of them being done with the appropriate dedication.

• Uriel & Asociados can achieve these two requisites by defining the most appropriate ground investigation and testing scheme while supervising all the tasks.
• Uriel & Asociados can also organize the ground investigation works, choosing the most appropriate companies for each location. The ground investigation equipment will be managed by the subcontractor Uriel & Asociados will be able to focus in the overall quality of the investigation rather than on specific items of the onsite job.
• With this in mind, no concerns about the output of the investigation equipment can hamper the final results..

Geotechnical Engineering goes further

Developing geotech beyond the geotechnical report is very beneficial:

• Risks are reduced and at the same time cost effective solutions can be developed.
• Geotechnical aspects of a project are frequently the ones with higher uncertainties. However they are sometimes left without proper supervision.

Leaving this task in specialized hands can be even more beneficial.




Our point of view

Obvious things tend to be obviated. We all work for different clients with different needs and it is not common to integrate them in the goals. These needs tend to, unfortunately, fall out of the scope of techniques.

• Uriel & Asociados takes into account that the aim of our job is not only to produce high quality technical documents, just as it is not only to define the location of boreholes and to drill them.
•The aim of each of these documents is to solve the problem of a client that has asked for our support.

An illustrative example of that, is our work in the partial underpinning project for a group of refrigerated warehouses in Vigo.


  Uriel & Asociados  
  Introduction Geotechnical Studies   Large Urban Excavations
  About us Integrated Geotechnical Design   Complete Listing
  International Specialized Consulting   Road and Railway Works
  Clients Revisions for bid and execution construction projects       - Tunnels
  Work Equipments Project supervision       - Bridges
  Contact Project Edition   Special Buildings
    Geotechnical support   Coastal Engineering
  Courses lectured and
papers published
Execution control
  Hydraulic Engineering
Construction pathology studies  

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