Project Edition

Uriel & Asociados has taken an active part in Geological-Geotechnical and material reuse study edition for several civil engineering projects all over Spain. ESTEYCO, SESTRA, AYESA or INGECONSULT are some of our regular clients.
Detailed geological analysis are produced in order to design a correct ground investigation campaign and to reduce the possible uncertainties for foundation and earthwork design.
Detailed material reuse studies are performed in order to locate the possible sources of fill materials, optimize the reuse of excavated materials and to reduce the quantity of leftover materials (due to the high economic and environmental cost associated to them).

As an example, some of the projects we have been working on during the last years are shown in the forthcoming paragraphs:

1643 A-8 pliegue falla Zumaia.jpg

Construction project for the extension to 6 lanes of Highway A-8 between Zumaia and Zarautz

Client: SESTRA

The route studied had an approximate length of 10.5 km and it had several nearly 50 m high cuts. Some of the existent structures were modified and so was Meagas tunnel. A new tunnel was constructed (Bedua’s tunnel).
An extensive ground investigation composed by boreholes, pit holes, seismic profiles and Ground-penetrating radar was necessary to study the route.
The aforementioned route was mainly located over marly limestone rocks that belong to calcareous flysch and detritic calcareous flysch, together with other Tertiary and Cretacic rocks and Quaternary colluvial, elluvial and alluvial soils.

The most relevant aspects of this report were to define the slope stability and the tunnel extension and construction.



Desde SD-7
1848 Benabarre desmonte erosionado en margas y areniscas.JPG

Construction Project for Highway A-14 between Lérida and the French border. Geology and Geotechnics of the route. Section: Benabarre (East)-Viacamp


The route length was approximately 12 km and had an important number of cuts and embankments due to the rough topography of the area.
The route was mainly located over alternating Tertiary shales, sandstones and conglomerates covered by Quaternary colluviums .
An extensive ground investigation composed by boreholes, pit holes, dynamic penetrations and seismic profiles was necessary to study the route.

The most relevant aspects of this report were the embankment and cut design (due to their height they were built using gentle slopes)  Due to the appearance of slope instabilities in the natural ground due to the colluviums, the slope stability of the area was studied in detail.



43.Zona de posible bajada a sondeos para el viaducto de Oaska.JPG

Construction project for the platform of the new Railway Network in the Euskadi. East sector of Guipuzkoa’s network. Section: Tolosa-Hernialde


The route studied was made up of 4 tunnels, 4 bridges and high cuts and embankments (due to the roughness of the terrain) and its length was approximately 4 km.
The route was mainly located over calcareous, detritic-calcareous Mesozoic rocks and several Quaternary formations.
An extensive ground investigation composed by boreholes, dynamic penetration tests and seismic profiles was necessary.
The most relevant aspects of this report were:


  • Slope stability in the rock mass and in the karst fills.
  • Tunnel construction.
  • Bridge pile and abutment foundation.
1872 Zuheros Vía verde sobre antiguo viaducto de ferrocarril.JPG

Basic construction project for the Olivar Highway. Section: Doña Mencía – N-432 crossing (Luque)

Client: AYESA

The length of the studied section was approximately 12 km and it was located in Cordoba. The aforementioned section contained embankments and cuts of different heights, bridges, and cut-and-cover tunnels near Doña Mencía.
The aforementioned route was located over Triassic gypsum marls, Jurassic limestone and several Quaternary formations.
An extensive ground investigation composed by boreholes, pit holes, dynamic penetration tests and seismic profiles was necessary.

The most relevant aspects of this report were:


  • The reuse of the marl due its high plasticity.
  • The cut slope stability due to the high number o slope instabilities observed in natural slopes with a gentle inclination (normally 3H:2V).


1899 autovía del Jucar talud con malla de cable y geotextil.JPG

Tender project of Jucar’s Highway. Section I: Cuenca – Road N-III Connection, Subsection 1: Cuenca-KP 20+400

Client: Grupo de constructoras

The length of the studied route was approximately 20.4 km and it contained several cuts and embankments of different height, 2 bridges, 7 overpasses and 9 underpasses.
The aforementioned route was located over Tertiary and Cretacic clayey sands and over Mesozoic carbonitic rocks with a Quaternary cover made up of several soil types.
Two extensive ground investigations composed by boreholes, pit holes and dynamic penetration tests were necessary.

The most relevant aspect of this report was the slope stability of cuts which, according to other slopes in the area should be as gentle as possible





Design project of Road N-629 between Burgos and Santander. Section: Ramales de la Victoria Ringroad (K.P. 64.8 to 69.8). Santander.


The length of the studied route was approximately 5 km and implied the construction of high embankments and cuts and even tunnels (tunnels were not investigated at this stage) due to the rough topography of the area.
The aforementioned route was located over limestone and detritic Mesozoic rocks with a scarce colluvial-elluvial cover.
An extensive ground investigation composed by boreholes, pit holes, dynamic penetration tests and seismic profiles was necessary.
The most relevant aspect of this report was the rock mass stability in the cut slopes. Gentle slopes were recommended in cases where potential planar or wedge instabilities were detected. In other cases stabilization measures such as rock bolts, rock protection barriers or shotcrete were recommended.

A study on the slope instabilities of the area was performed in order to avoid any potential risk.


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